Saturday, November 28, 2009

Oh, blog... I've really not been treating you right. More importantly, it's gonna be one hell of a winter.


Seems I've left this thing in ruins since I've returned to that thing called "work"...
but I figured I'd stop by and make mention of that which is mention-worthy.

I've been on mission-moped for quite a significant while, now-
It started as a means to:

A) Ease the pain and the boredom... and the pain OF the boredom (sort of exactly like how I got to be such a swell bowler)
B) Actually transport myself from point A to point B in some way that didn't require me to get any sort of new license
(my arm is a testament to what happens when I handle anything much bigger than a bicycle.)
lo and behold-
Unbeknownst to me, "mopeds" had become "cool". (shut the f up. I was living outside of civilization.)
Apparently, while I'd been on the prowl for something that the Chinese delivery guy was riding (and that was cheap enough to suit my cheap self), the rest of the free world was doing all my work for me and making it cool...
so that by the time I arrived, I could be the queen of Brooklyn, riding high atop my steed like Pascale Ogier in Le Pont Du Nord...

Double Win.

After a long quest for a sweet ride, my search led me to The Orphanage.
Come to find out, this is like the only moped selling venue in NYC.
After seemingly endless months of rusty chrome and missing valves-
A sweet lil' Puch called to me from the mass of mopeds that live at and outside of The Orphanage.
If work permits, I'll get out early enough to pick 'er up this Tuesday.
Of course, it is almost December and It'll be interesting to brave these 100 MPH winds on a bike that weighs about 150 pounds
(with me weighing in at a lowly 2-digit sum)... but it wouldn't be me if it didn't come with a peppering of ridiculousness.

I digress.

SOOOO my point in posting this was to both brag about my finding a fly bike and to link you to
The Orphanage

and even more so to their absolutely hilarious blog:

I don't know which one of those guys is writing that blog, but whomever is responsible for it gave me a big, wet case of the
I actually clicked "older posts" until the option disappeared.

So, kids-
If you're in the market for a moped... check out The Orphanage.
In addition to the place being a candy store to the moped enthusiast, the guys are incredibly friendly and helpful... which is unusual and much appreciated.
The guy who helped me even syphoned gas out of the tank of his own bike, just so I could get ma test rides in.

To conclude-
I will miss you muchly, Van Houten Lanes (where Dollar Night is what made my every Wednesday the best night of my week for as long as I can remember)...
but I'll keep myself busy with the Wide World of Motobecanes n' Such until we meet again.